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Dromore Nursery School, Dromore
Online Application CLOSES FRIDAY 24TH JANUARY @ 12 NOON for the school year 2025-2026. Contact the school office for further information. Pre school children are those born between 2nd July 2021 and 1st July 2022.  Pre pre children are those born between 2nd July 2022 and the 1st July 2023.
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Forest School


Dromore Nursery School is committed to outdoor learning and the Forest School learning approach.
The children of 2022-2023 had their first experience of Forest Learning in December. The children in the full time and morning sessions travelled to Peatlands Park in Dungannon to help Father Christmas find his lost decorations. The children are all provided with specialist wet suits designed to keep them warm while not stopping them exploring and joining in the activities. The children are encouraged to use all of their senses to explore the secure environment independently. The session starts with some story telling and a light snack, then the children made their way into the forest to explore and investigate. They then returned to the education centre for a hotdog and hot chocolate before returning to school by bus. 
The younger children in the afternoon session had a similar experience provided for them in the school outdoor classroom, they will get the opportunity to go to Peatlands in their pre-school year. 
Mrs Beattie and Mrs Chambers are experienced Forest School teachers both fully committed to this approach to learning through nature and the outdoors. The approach is supported by research to provide unique and healthy benefitting opportunities for learning. It is also proven to have significant mental health and well being benefits in the post COVID climate.